Most Common Office Stains: How to Remove Them

Discover how to remove common office stains with these expert tips from DOC Cleaning, a UK-based commercial cleaning leader.

From tea spillages to ink splashes, office spaces are prone to unexpected incidents that result in stains. If not dealt with promptly, these stains can quickly become long-term problems and hinder the reputation of your business.

With more than 50 years of experience, DOC Cleaning has encountered all types of stains imaginable. Our extensive expertise allows us to feel confident in tackling all types of stains, but even without our specialist equipment, there are several steps you can take to minimise the consequences should an incident occur.

Keep reading to learn more about our best office cleaning tips:

  1. Coffee

Coffee is the leading culprit for stains in the office, whether it’s on kitchen counters, desks, or furniture fabrics.

Within coffee’s chemical composition is a pigment called tannins. Tannins have a remarkable ability to bind to fabric fibres, leaving a lasting discolouration. If addressed immediately, the stain can be easily removed. However, if neglected, it becomes increasingly difficult to eliminate.

Steps for removal:

  1. Blot excess liquid with a clean, dry cloth. Make sure not to scrub!
  2. Mix a solution of 1 tbsp washing-up liquid, 1 tbsp white vinegar, and 500ml of warm water.
  3. Soak up the solution into a cloth and gently dab the stained area repeatedly.
  4. Rinse the area with warm water and dab with a clean cloth, soaking up any leftover solution.
  5. Let the area dry and vacuum.

Repeat if the stain is stubborn or call in the professionals (us).

  1. Tea

Whether you’re a tea or coffee drinker, spills are common. Fortunately, tea stains are generally easier to manage than coffee stains due to the higher milk content, which dilutes the tannins.

The process for removing tea stains is the same as for coffee, but in most cases, it should only need to be done once.

  1. Food

Lunch breaks are essential, but they can often result in a messy office. Food stains can vary, whether they’re sticky, greasy, or hard to remove, but all can be dealt with effectively.

Steps for removal:

Greasy Food Stains:

  1. Gently scrape the excess using a butter knife or card.
  2. Using a paper towel or clean dry cloth, blot up any excess grease (if there is a large amount of oil, sprinkle baking powder on the area, let sit for at least 30 minutes, and brush away).
  3. Using some washing-up liquid, cover the area and gently rub/dab the area with a clean cloth.
  4. Rinse with warm water and repeat if necessary.

Sticky Food Stains:

  1. Pick up the majority of the food using sticky tape (if a sweet was the cause of the stain).
  2. Gently scrape the excess using a butter knife or card.
  3. Mix a solution of 1 tbsp washing-up liquid, 1 tbsp white vinegar, and 500ml of warm water.
  4. Using some washing-up liquid, cover the area and gently rub/dab the area with a clean cloth.
  5. Rinse with warm water and repeat if necessary.
  6. Water

Surprisingly, water can also leave stains. Whether it’s hard water marks in the bathrooms or water stains on carpets and chairs, these can be managed.

While professional cleaners will typically handle these stains, here are a few methods you can use:

For hard water stains: Use baking soda, vinegar, lemon juice, or hydrogen peroxide. Do not mix these solutions together.

For fabric water stains: Dampen the area and then iron it dry.

  1. Ink

Pens, markers, and ink cartridges are common in offices and frequently cause spills. Ink is designed to leave permanent marks, so it requires immediate attention.

Note: These instructions are for ink stains on carpets and office upholstery, not clothing.

Steps for removal:

  1. Blot up as much excess as possible if the ink stain is not yet fully dry. Press firmly on the area using a cloth or paper towel, being careful not to get it on your hands or spread it further.
  2. Using methylated spirits and a cloth, apply to the area using a dabbing motion. Avoid using too much of the product to prevent saturating the area, which could cause the stain to spread and worsen.
  3. Soak up the product and ink using a separate cloth, then return to blotting with the previous cloth and product.
  4. Repeat until clear or call in the professionals (us) if the stain does not seem to lift.
  5. Pet Waste

If your office allows pets, you may occasionally have to deal with accidents. Although this perk is great for morale, accidents do happen, and prompt cleaning is essential.

Steps for removal:

  1. Remove excrement immediately with a bag or absorb any excess liquid with a clean, dry cloth or paper towel.
  2. Mix water and washing-up liquid, soak up with a cloth, and dab the area repeatedly.
  3. If necessary, using the same solution, use a scrub brush and work the area until all stains are removed.
  4. Let the area dry and vacuum.

By following these steps, you can mitigate the impact of common office stains. However, for particularly stubborn stains or larger areas, it’s always best to call in the professionals. At DOC Cleaning, we’re always ready to help ensure your office remains spotless.


Get In Touch:

Tees House, 95 London Road, Bishop’s Stortford, CM23 3GW

01279 944332