Leigh Goldsmith Receives Beyond Cleaning Award

Celebrating Partnerships: Leigh Goldsmith has been unveiled as the latest winner of our Beyond Cleaning Award.

We are thrilled to announce that Leigh Goldsmith, Senior HR Manager, has been awarded the Beyond Cleaning Award in the Creating a Positive Legacy category. Leigh was recognised for her work in establishing a groundbreaking partnership between DOC Cleaning and HMP Highdown through the New Futures Network (NFN).

The New Futures Network is a specialist part of the prison service that brokers partnerships between prisons and employers. This partnership allows DOC Cleaning to offer meaningful employment opportunities to prison leavers, playing a key role in their rehabilitation and reducing the likelihood of reoffending. By offering sustainable career pathways, the programme also helps ease the transition back into society, giving prison leavers a chance to rebuild their lives and contribute positively to their communities.

The impact of our partnership with HMP Highdown:

  • Only 17% of ex-offenders manage to get a job within a year of their release.
  • 3 out of 4 people are comfortable buying from a business that employs ex-offenders.
  • 81% of people believe that businesses employing ex-offenders are making a positive contribution to society.
  • 92% of employers say diverse recruitment has enhanced their reputation, helping them win new contracts.

This award acknowledges Leigh’s work in establishing a corporate strategic charity partnership and developing an inclusive community engagement strategy. By focusing on long-term impact and fostering meaningful relationships with local communities, Leigh has contributed to creating a lasting, positive legacy in alignment with the company’s strategic goals.

Reflecting on her achievement, Leigh commented:

I was surprised and delighted to win the award and especially for Creating a Positive Legacy, which I feel is so important and something which I try to do every day in everything I do. 

To learn more about our Beyond Cleaning strategy and how you can get involved, click here.